House of Secrets: The Burari Death (2021) Review

House of Secrets: The Burari Death (2021)

11 people died in one house, and all were found hanging except for one person who was found dead beside his bed in a semi-slumped state, with no sign of burglary, no screams. Then what actually was happened? Who did it and for what? A case full of mystery finally made into a series with the title House of Secrets: The Burari Death.

The Netflix series, which was just released on October 8, 2021, is indeed a hot topic of conversation among series connoisseurs. This is because the story raised in this documentary series is based on a true story that happened in Burari, India in 2018. At that time, all of India was in an uproar when 11 bodies were found hanging like the roots of a banyan tree. hanging from its branches.

Worse yet, the eleven bodies turned out to be one large family consisting of 3 generations starting from the grandmother (the oldest), children, and in-laws, to their grandchildren who are still children. This tragedy raises many questions, how did the perpetrator hang the ten members of his family, and what was his motive? The police handling the case also seem unable to conclude unless they conduct a thorough investigation.

This case became more widespread after various media arrived trying to cover the actual situation at the TKP. All Indian citizens came to the location, they were crowding in various corners, trying to see what was going on. The popularity of the case has also given rise to various controversies, causing the investigation to proceed at a slower pace.

Everything that was discovered during the investigation was unsolvable, but instead, the findings raised new possibilities. This case is indeed very unique, if you want to call it a suicide case, then why is the whole family gagged with their hands tied? After all, most of the family members were well-educated people, who seemed unlikely they would kill themselves for no apparent reason.

Okay, let's say they were killed by someone, but who can kill 11 people without leaving a trace? Even if one could do it, it would at least need more than 13 people to do it, and even if it did, then what would be the motive? All these questions keep popping up without anyone being able to answer them.

Throughout the storyline, House of Secrets: The Burari Death provides its point of view on this horrific case. I like the storyline of this film, all the mysteries are not immediately revealed in one moment, leaving the audience confused with the various possibilities that can occur. It's that factor that makes the series tense from start to finish because no matter how hard you think about it, solving cases is still confusing.

This series has also succeeded in presenting a fairly complex investigative process, starting from the point of view of the police, the investigation team, and the doctor in charge of performing the autopsy, to the media's point of view which has caused controversy. All of these things are shown in full which makes the audience seem to have the freedom to believe which perspective makes the most sense.

The atmosphere of horror shown in this series is also quite memorable, especially in the second episode which explains the possibility that the culprit is the spirit of his late father who died several years earlier. Because the discussion is related to magical matters, the back sound and the scene that is shown have changed drastically. Initially, the tempo was normal, but now the tempo is starting to slow down, while occasionally interspersed with mysterious whispering sounds, making the horror atmosphere truly felt.

To be honest, I like this series, especially when talking about murder investigations which are full of mysteries. I immediately thought of the film “Zodiac” which amazed me, and that feeling came back when I watched the series House of Secrets. : Burari's death

However, I need to remind you that this series might not be suitable for those of you who want murder scenes, because throughout this series it is shown only in terms of case investigations, so this series seems to have a slow plot, which of course will be very boring for some people. great people. But in my personal opinion, this series is perfect in every way, starting from the depiction of the storyline, the footage shown, and the atmosphere provided, everything has been satisfying for me.



I give this series a 9 because all aspects of it are satisfying to watch. Oh yes besides that, because this series only contains 3 episodes, so it doesn't seem like it will waste time to watch it, unlike other series that span several seasons which of course will require more time to watch it.

Overall, House of Secrets: Burari of Death is a crime series that is really worth watching this year. This series also shows a little about various Indian cultures, especially in the family sphere, which will surely add to your knowledge.


That's all I can say about reviewing the series House of Secrets: The Burari Death. If there are criticisms or suggestions from you, please just write them in the comments column.


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